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wave fighters
my kids were reunited with their friends from north carolina for a surprise visit at the beach. this is my son and his friend battling the waves…they just picked up like they had seen each other the day before!
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beach explorers
here are all of the kids hanging out at the beach…doing what parents like them doing best: entertaining themselves! it was quite the day, filled with jellyfish rescuing, boogie boarding, wave fighting, and just enjoying each other’s company! i’m so glad we all had the opportunity to keep our friendships current and thriving…i’m realizing the importance of this even more the older i get!
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my girl
i know i always seem to have the serious gaze pictures from my daughter…and perhaps it is partly because i view her as such a thoughtful, introspective individual; however, she’s not always this serious! but i do love the intensity with those beautiful blue eyes!
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after throwing out the jellyfish that was stinking up the bucket, we replaced the jellyfish with the baby shark my husband and daughter found on the beach. my kids named the shark buddy. we toted buddy around a bit longer than we should have…to the point, i could smell buddy’s bucket upwind on the beach! hopefully buddy is sailing better seas these days after his return to the sea!
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i was so happy to capture this moment between these two! i couldn’t have planned it better if i tried! i have said it before, but this picture truly shows just how much my son adores his big sister and just how much she loves her little brother…just look at the picture! need i say more???
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memories of grandpa’s garden
beach week is officially over, and i headed back to my sister’s house for the night. she recently planted hydrangeas in her yard. i love these flowers! they bring back memories of my grandfather’s house. growing up, we spent a lot of time with my grandparents. as i look back, i am incredibly grateful for the time i got to spend with my grandparents…grateful for the flowers to help remind me of those times!
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lightbulb moment
i was at a loss for what to take a picture of for today…and then the lightbulb came on!