letters to our sons | january 2014 | the dark side
Dear Finn,
After you watched the Star Wars movies on your birthday, you have become quite the fan (your Godfather completely approves and supports this new fascination!). While I went away for work, you watched all of the movies in our collection with your Dad and quickly added just about every Star Wars Lego set to your Christmas list!
Of all the characters, you are drawn to Darth Vader the most (or “Dark Raider” as your sister used to call him). I asked you what you liked about him and the Dark Side the most, to which you replied, “The power.” I suppose this will make for a good discussion when you are older. For now, I will just go with it!
As soon as Christmas ended and the crowds died down at the stores, we made our way to Target where you used your Christmas money to purchase your very own Darth Vader helmet. I also got you a tiered black curtain to use as a cape. From that day on, you have donned your mask and cape over your dark pants and black sweatshirt (you are very detail-oriented) and walked around the house saying, “You don’t know the power of the Dark Side” in the Darth Vader programmed voice or trying your very own Darth Vader voice. It very well might be true that I don’t know the power of the Dark Side, but I do know the power of you!
I love you, my little Darth Vader…the good and the dark!

please follow the circle and see what these amazing ladies have to say to their sons…starting with my friend, Tracy!